Animal Euthanasia
What Is Animal Euthanasia?
Animal euthanasia is the act of putting an animal to death or allowing it to die by withholding extreme medical measures.
The reasons for euthanasing pets and other animals include:
Terminal illnesses such as cancer or rabies
An illness or accident that is not terminal but would cause extreme suffering to the animal, or when the treatment is unaffordable by the pet owner, or when the owner has a moral objection to the treatment
Behavioral problems (usually ones that cannot be corrected, e.g. aggression)
Old age and deterioration leading to loss of major bodily functions, resulting in severe impairment to the quality of life
Lack of a home or caretaker
Research and testing – In the course of scientific research and testing, animals may be euthanized.

There are instances when euthanasia is an inevitable choice for animals. However, when it comes to dealing with the overpopulation of strays, euthanasia is a cruel and inhumane way of animal control.
If you would like graphic details, you can check out the photographs from the project titled "Discarded Property", by American photographer Mary Shannon Johnstone. The project was created to draw public awareness to the problem of stray overpopulation and to the importance of neutering and spaying pets (Please be warned that this page contains strong and disturbing photos of animal euthanasia and suffering).