Have Some Hearts For Your Furry Friends

The Humane Way.

=We Strive For Zero Strays,

Learn more about the issues of strays, humane animal control, and what you can do to help with the situation. We also provide pet care information such as pets vaccinations, health care, and behavior management to help you become an informed and responsible pet owner.
Find out more about sterilizing your pet. We provide information about when to neuter or spay your pet, where you can get it done, the approximate cost and other things you need to know about pet sterilization.
Being a non-profit organization, we rely solely on volunteers to keep our cause going. We have a variety of activities and duties and we are constantly in need of volunteers. If you have the heart and the will to do something for these animals, check out what activities are available.

Pets Unsterilized

Strays Increase


Abandon Litter

Stop the cycle, spay & neuter
your pets today.
Find out more

Human Life Quality
Attacks & Bites
Spread of Diseases
Dirty Surroundings
Car Accidents
Harsh Living Conditions
for Strays
Lack of Food
No Shelter
Poor Health
Killed by Vehicles


Our approaches to humane animal control:
捕捉結紮原地放養 流浪猫狗免遭毀滅
Millions of homeless dogs and cats roam the streets, lonely and hungry, in countries around the world. It is no different in our very own city. Did you know that strays that are caught by the Miri City Council are put down after 48 hours in the pound if no one picked them up?
We can reverse the universal acceptance that killing is the only solution to strays over-population. By reducing the number of unwanted births, we can end the suffering of homeless cats and dogs.
Featured Videos
Learn facts about spaying and neutering your pets. We strongly advocate neutering and spaying of household pets to prevent unwanted births which worsen the issue of stray cats and dogs.